Culver City Democratic Club General meeting: December 11th, 2019 Veterans Memorial Building Rotunda Room


Meeting Called to order: 7:06pm

Khin Khin Gyi leads the pledge of allegiance. 

A motion is made to approve the anti-harrasment policy that the LACDP requires Democratic clubs to adopt. The anti-harrasment policy is approved by acclamation.

Treasurer’s report (Eric Fine) Eric presents a demo budget report. Total projected credit Balance: $18,100.00 

Total projected expenses: $17,164.00 

Guest speakers: 

Those running for LACDP County Committee make speeches on behalf of their candidacy. 

Members speak on their preferred candidate for president. 

Announcements: Daniel Lee speaks on Measure Y that will be on the March ballot. Measure Y will extend the ten-year, half-cent sales tax increase approved in 2012 for 10 more years. 

The votes tallied for LACDP representatives, Presidential Candidates and for District Attorney:

Member, Los Angeles County Central Committee 54th Assembly District; The Club endorsed

Khin Khin Gyi

Jeanna Harris

Jackie Hawthorne

Ronnie Jayne Solomon, and

Jimmie Woods-Gray.

(No other candidates received 60 percent of the vote. The Club may endorse up to seven candidates for this office.)

Presidential Candidate: No Consensus.

Los Angeles County District Attorney: The Club endorsed George Gascon.

Meeting adjourns at 9:30pm