MINUTES Culver City Democratic Club — general meeting — Veterans Memorial Building — July 10, 2019


Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm

John Williams led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Consideration of Endorsement of 3 bills sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign:

SB 47 – Petition Disclose Act;

SB 636 – Ballot Disclose Act;

AB 1217 – Issue Ad Disclose Act

The Club took a separate vote on each bill: whether to endorse and co-sponsor the bill. Each measure passed.

Minutes of last month’s meeting are approved. 

Treasurer’s report: The Club made $400 on drag queen bingo. Seven of our members attended. The Club’s ending balance $5,094.58

Membership Secretary’s report: 130 members (14 are lifetime members.)

Tom Camarella, Community legislative committee chairman’s report: We need to raise funds so we can send out endorsement cards. 

Bylaws Committee report: Darryl Cherness is the chair of the bylaws committee. “Under article XV of Club bylaws the Club can only endorse registered democrats.”

Tom Camarella: he spoke to the chair of Los Angeles County Democratic Party and to Susie Shannon, a member of the DNC. The Club can endorse any presidential candidate running in the California Primary. 


The president thanks Amy Cherness, Diane Rosenberg and John Riordan for making the picnic a success.

We are looking for volunteers to staff the booth at Fiesta la Ballona August 24 and 25. 

Tomorrow night there will be a community meeting on the Inglewood oil field in the council chambers 5pm-6:30pm.

Robert Mueller testifies on the 24th of this month 

Disa Lindgren: Would like to thank the Club for endorsing the rent freeze. The temporary rent freeze did pass. Pete Rockwell spoke on behalf of the rent freeze at the City Council meeting. It’s not over yet. The specifics of the moratorium will be voted on at August 12th City Council meeting. They are looking for support on 3 specific provisions that have special language. They are going to send out post cards.

Sylvia Moore: Announcing NetRoots Nation conference occurring in Philadelphia this weekend. Panels live streamed @ netrootsnation.org. 

Tom Camarella: Announces that  the departure of Jonathan Friedman created a vacancy at the LACDP, which Khin Khin Gyi was elected to fill. 2nd announcement: Sydney Kamlager-Dove, Herb Wesson, and Holly Mitchell will visit the CCDC Fiesta La Ballona booth the weekend of August 24 and 25. 

Jackie Hawthorne: the application dates are open to people who want to apply to be appointed to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission. They draw the lines for state assembly districts and the board of equalization. No one with a political background can be on the commissions, therefore Club members are not eligible to apply. But we have friends and families who can. Website: shapecaliforniasfuture.auditor.ca.gov

Karim Sahli: He’ll have a booth at Fiesta La Ballona. He is going to get in front of or next to the NRA booth. They need some money so we will hear from him. 


First speaker is Jan Perry for LA county Supervisor. 

Second speaker: Tom Pike on behalf of Loraine Lundquist. Loraine is running for LA City Council in the 12th District. She’s a Democrat, and if she wins she will replace the last Republican on the LA City Council. 

Rick Tuttle moves to endorse Loraine Lundquist. Disa Lindgren seconds. Unanimous endorsement for Loraine Lundquist

Eric Fine moves to adjourn. Darryl Cherness seconds.

Meeting adjourns at 9pm