May 2014 Minutes, General Meeting



Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, May 14 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:19 pm by President Lee Sanders
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Eric Fine.
  3. Approval of April 9, 2014 Minutes – Motion to accept by Neil Rubenstein. Moved by Nancy Goldberg, secondedby Darryl Cherness.
  4. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of April 30, 2014 are: $2687.78. However, the recent mailing cost over $2,700.

Darryl suggested that we send out letters to folks whose dues have lapsed. Lee S. suggested that the E-Board make phone calls to those whose dues have lapsed.

  1. Membership (Diane) – 133 members paid for 2014. Online: Guests include: Alisa Sookne and Scott Houston.
  2. Fundraising (David) – Another Bill Maher event will be scheduled on a Friday. Please contact David Bromberg for this information. We will have a screening of “Inequality for All” at a theatre, $12.00/ticket. It may be at the Rave 18 at the Howard Hughes Center. A bingo event has been scheduled at Hamburger Mary’s – drag queen bingo, Wednesday, August 27, 2014. 7 p.m.
  3. Outreach (Sylvia)– no report
  4. Correspondence (Stephen) – absent, please read the Newsletter. Nyabingi Kuti reported on Holly Mitchell’s proposed SB 1010, Drug sentencing reduction – to make sentencing equitable between crack and powder cocaine. Steinberg SB 105 sentencing reduction and rehabilitation. SLARC (South LA Reintegration Council) advocating for funding for recidivism reduction has a proposal. Language includes: “Therefore be it resolved that the Mayor, City Attorney and LA City Council provide stat up resources for the LA Realignment Task Force (LARTF) that will advocate for Los Angeles’ fair share of the RRF (Recidivism Reduction Fund) and also seek recidivism reduction funding through Social Impact Financing.”
  1. Other Reports

Volunteering for voter registration and election campaigns: CCUSD School Bond, Measure CC in June 3rd election. Also, if you are interested in volunteering for the Betsy Butler campaign, see Sylvia Moore.

Lee S. spoke briefly about “Fair” They are pushing for “proportional representation.”

  1. Program: Robert M. Stern on Redistricting Impact on CA Elections and other topics:

New “top two” primary format concept is good, according to Bob Stern. Redistricting Commission: Worked with Henry Waxman on the Commission. Anybody but the legislators should do the drawing of the lines of the districts. National popular vote: is basically a compact among the states. Voting the national vote (popular vote). Eleven states have passed this. If you had a national popular vote, then every vote is equal and candidates would be campaigning in every state, not just the “8” pivotal states. Initiative Process: CA is one of 25 states that have this process, which needs to be preserved and improved. The problem with the initiative process is it is costly. If you have lots of money you can defeat an initiative, but not help pass it. Perhaps an “indirect initiative” should be created. Campaign political reform act, which created the Fair Political Practices Commission. Increase the number of days in which to circulate for signatures. Campaign finance reform: most money (90%) comes from people who want something from government. 1976 Supreme Court said money is speech. Public officials in office want to preserve the system, unless there is a scandal. Q & A discussion followed.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Corporate Personhood

  1. Announcements:
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Pat Levinson’s home at 9 a.m.
  2. Reminder of the 4th of July Picnic at Blanco Park in CC (near El Rincon School).
  3. Bertrand announced a meeting of the South Los Angeles Demo Club, 7 p.m., SLA Animal Shelter, located at 1850 W. 60th St., this Saturday, May 17.
  4. Please view the handouts that Lee Sanders shared on the front table.
  5. Tomorrow, May 15 is the LA Area Bike to Work Day – free pizza with your bike helmet.
  6. June 19 is National “Dump the Pump” Day. Free bus rides.

Motion to adjourn moved by Darryl, seconded by Mim Shapiro. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary