President’s Message By Bill Wynn, April 2012


April is here, which brings us to our Culver City Council election on Tuesday April 10th. The Culver City Democratic Club proudly endorses Jim Clarke and Meghan Sahli- Wells for City Council of Culver City. We hope when you go vote on Tuesday, April 10 you will vote for these two…

Jim Clarke is serving as a director in the office of grants of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. He has also been the chief of staff of former Rep. Diane Watson (D- Culver City) and Rep. Brad Sherman (D- Sherman Oaks). He has a lifetime of public sector experience, several years working with a big-city municipal government and he has retired from the Coast Guard as a Commander.

As the only woman candidate in the race, Meghan Sahli-Wells has her own set of advantages, including the experience of having run for office in 2010. Meghan is chair and chief executive officer of the Downtown Neighborhood Association. Meghan was awarded “Democrat of the Year” in 2010 by the L.A. County Democratic Party, and was recognized by the National Women’s Political Caucus (L.A. Westside chapter) as one of twelve “Remarkable Women” of 2012 alongside Attorney General Kamala Harris and Assembly members Holly Mitchell and Betsy Butler.

The City faces a significant financial challenge during these times of economic uncertainty. We have a budget deficit that is ballooning since the closure of the redevelopment agencies and we are soon going to have to ask the public if they want their taxes to be increased, to support the services they are used to having.

The mood of the City continues to be uncertain in the face of a struggling economy, rising public debt, and the lack of viable solutions. In light of this the importance of the upcoming City Council election, has taken on a heightened sense of importance.

We are all part of an incredible process that makes a difference with every single vote. Why do we care so much about each and every vote? I feel that it is because we are proud of what we do and what we are a part of. Politics, whether elected or non- elected, and being involved is a part of the American tradition.

The direction of our city matters, our kids and their futures matter. We can make a difference on election day Tuesday April 10th by voting for the Culver City Democratic Club endorsed candidates Jim Clarke and Meghan Sahli-Wells.

Yes We Can Make A Difference!